The everyday or almost everyday babblings of a Mama that lives along a Brook

Family Friday

Family Friday – 1/7/11

The kids received Hungry Hungry Hippos for Christmas from my wonderful brother.  They love this.  Thank you Unca Dan!

New Year, New Me!

It’s a new year and it will be a new me. 2010 was a good but rough year for me. I am determined to make 2011 a much better one. Last year I suffered my share of depression and had my share of feeling sorry for myself and well to be honest I didn’t like it. My husband always told me when I put my mind to something I am able to stick to it. Here is the plan, I am going to blog more about the positives in my life and my struggles, but do my best to be more positive then negative. I am going to put God in the equation. Each day will have a new theme to my blog. I am hoping this will keep it as uplifting as I can. But since I am a busy mom of two, I will not promise to post daily. I will do my best.

Here is my plan for my blog:

Sunday: Spiritual SundayThis day can contain anything God has shown me or Bible verse that stands out to me.

MondayMenu MondayThis day will by my weekly menu list.

Tuesday: Time Out TuesdaySince I work on Tuesday I do not plan to post anything Tuesday.  I am also taking this one step farther and the computer will not be turned on at all this day.

Wednesday: Wise Words WednesdayThis day will contain some wise words.  They will be anything from quotes I like from anyone or from me or from God.  Some will be serious, some will be funny, some will be sad etc… Depends on what moves me.

Thursday: Take it off ThursdayThis day will be my diet update.  I will be posting later tonight about my plans.  Trust me it will not be any crash diet deal, I plan to make it a life altering plan.

FridayFamily FridayI also work Fridays, my plan on this will be to post something positive, uplifting about my family.  It could be a story or it could be just a picture.

SaturdaySecond Look SaturdayI will use Saturday to review my week.  How did I do reaching my 2011 goals.