The everyday or almost everyday babblings of a Mama that lives along a Brook

Who I am

I am a woman who decided when she turned 30 (7/2010) to figure out show she was. I know I am a woman, the wife (since 10/1999) of Mike, mother of Alaina (9/2006) and Thomas (4/2008). I love my family dearly and we love raising our 3 basset hounds, Olive, Dalia and Moe.

I love to text, cook (when I know what to make, this is the part I struggle with), bake. I have recently enjoyed tending to my flowerbeds (and expanding them) and my vegetable garden. I also have a strong desire to do some canning this year. Though my garden isn’t producing enough to can from, so it is off to the local discount produce place to purchase what I need.

I hope you stick around and enjoy my babblings.